Incorporate massage into your workplace to reduce stress, boost productivity and reduce muscle tension - a 15 minute massage can reduce employee stress by 85%. Massage also reduces depression and anxiety, aids sleeping patterns and can improve time keeping. It's a necessity, not a luxury.
Healthy Working Lives is a Scottish government led initiative to help employers create a healthier and more motivated workforce. Incorporate Massage can help your company achieve Healthy working Lives status by improving the health and wellbeing of your employees.
Massage is a huge contributor towards this as it aids in the prevention of absenteeism from work, as well as combating stress and anxiety.
Our Therapists are fully qualified, trained in our technique, and insured and we don't outsource.
Incorporate massage into your workplace and create a healthier and happier workforce. Contact us, go on you deserve it.
"A 15 minute treat for everyone makes all the difference in a busy week. It relaxes and rejuvenates everyone – but most importantly, it makes us smile."